We sure do have some crazy weather patterns around here.
February 2017 was recorded as the second warmest in the history of record keeping in this country. February 2016 holds the record as the warmest. (NOTE: We keep track of weather by Degree Days. A Degree Day is the average of the high and low temperature for the day, subtracted from 65. -Example: A high of 40 and a low of 20 has an average for the day of 30 degrees. The Degree Days for that day would be recorded as 35…..65-30) As you probably expected in our area this year, March 2017(Approx 1076 Heating Degree Days) was about 19% colder than February 2017(874 HDD). Although the winter this year has not been a very cold one, when we measure by Degree Days, we are still about 10% ahead of last year, and 9% behind that of a normal season so far. I think we all still compare the severity of winter against the season of 2014-2015 when we got clobbered with snow and cold. With that used as our measuring stick, we got off easy again this year. Very little snow to push around, and any cold we had was in short blasts. If you’re interested, one of the coldest days of this winter was December 15, 2016, with 59 Degree Days. Other months coldest days were 56 DD on 1/8/17, 56 DD on 2/9/17, and the coldest this winter was 62 DD on 3/4/17.
Thank you, as always, for your continued business and the confidence you place in Rand-Handy! |
These days, every edge helps when you want to sell a home. Potential buyers need to feel comfortable and secure with their purchase. Documents can turn promises into trust. Call us when your home is going on the market and these are some of the things we can do:
- We can take away any doubts about the future performance of your heating system. Our service contracts are available to the buyer, upon becoming a customer.
- We can come and measure the oil in your tank so you have the full value of the oil at the time of your closing.
- We can work with you to schedule deliveries between contract and your day of closing.
- If you or a friend are buying a home in our delivery area, we will do a no cost inspection of the heating and air conditioning system for you.
- If you have moved to a new oilheated home in our service area, we can make the adjustment easier by coming to your home and showing you how the heating and cooling systems work.
- We can always work directly with the Realtor to make things easier on you. When you are planning to move, plan on us. We are here to help you.
Now is the time for a “Spring Tune-Up” of your home Central Air Conditioning System.
A thorough inspection, cleaning of air filters, and cleaning of the outside condenser is important to keep your system running efficiently.
Call us today at 781-834-8831 to set up a convenient appointment.
Think About It
Don’t tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.
From our Service Department:We try hard to reach you and schedule the annual tune up of your heating system. However, we do not always have the best contact for you. Many of you have given us a cell phone number or a work number to reach you during the day. This helps us in contacting you to schedule a convenient time for you. If you have new contact information, please note it on your next payment and we will make the changes on your account. If email works best for you, you can reach us at oil@randhandy.com and include any updated information on that also. Thanks again for your help and we look forward to speaking with you. |
“Saving for a rainy day shouldn’t cloud the sunny ones.”
1st Prize: Marty T., Marshfield
2nd Prize: Ken S., Marshfield
3rd Prize: Joan K., Marshfield