MONTHLY BUDGET CUSTOMERS – PLEASE NOTE January is typically the month we start reviewing budget accounts to see if the payment amount and usage is on target. Most of you will receive at least one (most likely two) more deliveries. Due the unprecedented cold weather we experienced around the holidays and also some unexpected price […]
Category Archives: Bulletins/Newsletters
November 2017 – Bulletin
YOU ARE ONE IN A MILLION …..but you are # 1 with us. Nearly one million homes in Massachusetts heat their homes with oil. Behind only New York and Pennsylvania, Massachusetts has the third largest heating oil volume in the country. This means hundreds of local, family owned home heating oil companies are doing their […]
September 2017 Bulletin
WINTER 2017-2018 The trusty ole’ Farmers Almanac is predicting a cold and snowy winter for the Northeast. We are ready– are you? Regard-less of the conditions outside, you can be assured that all of us here at Rand-Handy will be doing our best to keep you comfortable inside. We have been upgrading equipment, restocking our […]
August 2017 Bulletin
PLANNING FOR THE WINTER HEATING SEASON 2017-2018 August marks the beginning of yet another heating season. Although memories of last years’ winter and cold have faded, we are ready to service you again this season. Our trucks are repaired and humming; our inventory is re-stocked; and we’ve been keeping busy this summer tuning up your […]
June 2017 Bulletin
IMPORTANT NOTICE FROM OUR CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT Your latest bill contained the last regular budget billing of this season. You should remit your regular budget amount due OR if you are sure that you will not be receiving another delivery this season, and your actual balance is less than your scheduled payment, you may elect […]
April 2017 Bulletin
We sure do have some crazy weather patterns around here. February 2017 was recorded as the second warmest in the history of record keeping in this country. February 2016 holds the record as the warmest. (NOTE: We keep track of weather by Degree Days. A Degree Day is the average of the high and low […]
January 2017 Bulletin
Happy New Year THE FULL SERVICE DIFFERENCE Why a full service dealer is different and what it means for you: We operate from an established place of business. This allows us to take your calls and respond to your needs 24 hours a day. We have a full support staff on duty to help you […]
December 2016 Bulletin
SEASONS GREETINGS As we enter another holiday season, it’s a perfect time to stop and appreciate all we have. As a company we are thankful for our great staff of employees both in the office and out in the field. They are what give us the ability to take care of you, our customers. We […]
November 2016 Bulletin
EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT We want to dedicate this months Newsletter to an employee who is leaving us at the end of October. Dan has been an employee of Rand-Handy Oil since November 30, 1984. Many of you have met Dan over the years he has been with us. His major role for most of the time […]
September 2016 Bulletin
SO WHAT’S YOUR GUESS FOR CONDITIONS THIS WINTER? HERE IS WHAT THE FARMERS ALMANAC IS SAYING… The outlook calls for nationwide snow and bitterly cold temperatures in many areas. Included in that is the Northeast – yep, it might be payback from last years record warmth. They’re calling for December and January to be a […]