Happy New Year!
As I write this, the price of a barrel of oil is below $55 per barrel. There has been an over 40% drop since September of this year. You have noticed this not only at the pump for gasoline, but on your deliv-eries from us. Many of you are enrolled in our monthly payment plan. The monthly amount for you was figured on an oil price of almost $1 per gallon more than it is today. We have already heard from some of you, and yes, we will be looking at your monthly budget amounts in January and will likely make some adjustments that you will see in your February statement. This will be the first time in over 20 years that we may be making adjustments down because of a lower price of oil. We are just as happy as you to see this happen.
By definition from the Weather Bureau, a Degree Day is the average of the high and low temperature of the 24 hour period of that day, subtracted from a refer-ence temperature of 65 degrees. (Ex: High temp. was 40 degrees; Low was 20 de-grees; the Average temp. was 30 Degrees. Subtract 30 from 65 and it gives you 35 Degree Days for that day) Knowing the rate at which you consume oil to heat your home (we call this your consumption rate, or k-factor), we can then deter-mine how much oil you have used during that period of 35 Degree Days. As these Degree Days accumulate each day, we are also able to determine how much oil you are using and when we will need to refill your tank. Pretty neat stuff, huh?
Our 2015 Scenic Calendars
These calendars are in our office and they are available for you and your friends. Please stop in for your copy. Or, if you can’t make it to us, call us and we will mail one to you or bring it with us for your next oil delivery.
A Note from our Delivery Department
Following is a list of what we see the most:
Most people don’t think to call us when these changes are made, but it will make a difference. We can make changes to your con-sumption factor (k-factor) to prevent the chance of you run-ning out of oil. We try our best to keep you warm and comfort-able every day, so let us know if anything has changed at your home. Thank you. |
Food for thought
Some doctors say that cheerful people resist disease better than grumpy people!!
Does this mean that the Surly Bird catches the Germ??
WE HAVE ENJOYED SERVING YOU during the past year!
We sincerely hope that as your Fuel Oil Dealer, we have brought warmth and comfort to your family and household. As we begin another year, we wish to express our sincere thanks for your valued patronage, and we look forward to continuing the service of delivering peace of mind to you. As members of the Massachusetts Energy Marketers Association (formerly the Mass. Oilheat Council), and as a dealer with certified and licensed technicians to service your heating needs, we also continue our efforts to make Oilheat the safest and most environmentally friendly way to heat your home.
Humidifiers are an important energy saving addition to your heating system. Body moisture escapes faster in dry air, making you feel cooler. By adding moisture to the air, you will feel warmer at a lower room temperature. Other advantages are: Less wearing of carpets and upholstery; less shrinkage of woodwork; longer life of furniture; etc…
If you would like a free estimate on installing a humidification system in your home, please call us at 781-834-8831, or contact us.
We want to thank you for all of your efforts in keeping your account up to date. It is the time of year when some of you may be seeing us more than once a month for an oil delivery, and by keeping your account current, we can schedule your next delivery for you at the appropriate time. Please call us if you are having any difficulty keeping up and we will do what we can to accommodate you.
As always, we want to Thank You for choosing us as your service provider. We appreciate your business!
Seasons Greetings to all of our customers and friends.
From our family to yours, we wish you all the best for a Happy and Healthy 2015.
1st Prize: Ed K., Marshfield
2nd Prize: Patricia H., Duxbury
3rd Prize: Diane D., Pembroke
Please note that you can now enter the oil drawing online. Please complete the form below to be entered in next month’s drawing.