March 2018 Bulletin

WINTER?…..WHAT WINTER? ….not including the Arctic blast over the Holidays.

Careful what you say, right? We aren’t done yet. As we head into March, we have had significantly warmer weather through the last few weeks. As of the end of February, our Heating Degree Day count is about 8% less than that of a normal year. However, lets not forget the extreme cold we had around the holidays. For a 13 day stretch starting December 26, we had an average Degree Day of 61…Normal for that time of year is 40. (A degree day is the average of the high and low temperature for the day, subtracted from 65 degrees. So if we had an average temperature of 0, that would be 65 degree days) In fact the coldest day in that stretch was 73 Degree Days on January 6, 2018., an average temp. of 8 below zero for the day. (The coldest day since 1/15/04 which had a degree day of 78.) As you can imagine, we were quite busy during that period, but we were able to keep up with all that was asked of us, thanks to the hard working and dedicated team we have here at Rand-Handy. A big thank you to everyone here for their hard work, and a big thank you to all of our customers for showing the confidence you have in us to take care of all of you.


Be sure to check your statements and the monthly budget amount. There may have been some adjustments to the remaining budget amount due for this season. Because of the higher prices we have seen, as well as the extreme cold we experienced around the holidays, some of you may have a change in the monthly amount to try and catch up with the balance on your account. If you have any questions about this, please don’t hesitate to call. 781-834-8831

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day — March 17th.

March 11th—Daylight Savings Begins

When you turn your clocks ahead, remember to change the batteries in your clock/programmable thermostats, and your smoke detectors.


In an effort to keep providing you with the best service possible, please let us know any changes you have made to your contact information. If your phone number has changed, or you prefer we use a cell phone for contacting you, just let us know. Also, we have several customers receiving all of their statements and invoices by email. If this is better for you, we will gladly make that change for you also. Give us a call at 781-834-8831, or email us at NOTE: If you do have any Service or delivery requests, we ask that you still call us on the main number instead of requesting by email. This will give you the quickest possible response from us. Thank you.


It’s not too early to plan for it. Give us a call for a free estimate.


We ourselves may feel what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less if that
drop were missing.

– Mother Teresa


  1. Check that all of the switches are in the “ON” position. You probably have a switch at the top of the stairwell or outside of the boiler room somewhere.(This is usually a red switch) There is also one on the side of the heating unit itself.
  2. Check the Electrical Panel. Make sure the breaker did not trip. The switch is usually in the middle position if it did. Simply turn it off and on again to reset it. For those of you who still have fuses, make sure the one that powers the burner did not blow.
  3. Check the thermostat. Make sure it is set above room temperature. If it is a digital, or Automatic Setback thermostat, be sure the switch is set to heat, or on. You should also change the batteries in the thermostat if you have not done that for a while.
  4. Do you have oil? Look at the gauge on the tank and make sure you still have oil.
  5. If everything above looks ok, press the reset button on the burner once. This is usually a red button on a control mounted to the front of the burner. If you can not locate it, call us. If the unit comes on and stays on, you are probably ok. If it comes on for 30 seconds or so and shuts off again, or if it still doesn’t come on at all, call us. It may require a technician to fix the problem.

Ever wonder what you can do to help your local schools?

  • Make a cash donation rather than a purchase. All PTA groups welcome donations of any amount. Many schools have set up non-profit educational foundations that accept tax deductible donations.
  • Ask your school for a copy of its wish list. Most schools are thrilled to accept donated items and services of all sorts.
  • Support fundraising ventures that promote volunteerism and the community. Money you spend on school car washes, auctions, road races, etc.. Are often nearly 100% profit for schools.
  • Inquire about being a volunteer. Schools yearn for over-50 adults to read stories, do occasional office work, monitor hallways, and visit classrooms to talk about a talent, job or even a trip.
  • Become an activist. Write to your local legislator, ask your local PTA about educational rallies, or gather some friends and try to gather more financial support for education. Every voice counts.


1st Prize: Kathy S., Kingston

2nd Prize: Mark M., Plymouth

3rd Prize: Patrick M., Marshfield

Please note that you can now enter the oil drawing online. Please complete the form at right to be entered in next month’s drawing.


Posted in Bulletins/Newsletters.